Keynotes and presentations
Speaking history
I've been speaking at conferences and industrial events since 2014.

Some of my previous experiences

XP2024 (Bolzano, Italy): ‘Team Autonomy Unleashed: A Blueprint for Self-Management’

Scrum Day Europe 2023 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Nurturing self-management: a playbook for Scrum Masters and coaches

Regional Scrum Gathering Singapore 2023 (Singapore), Keynote speaker: Emergent strategies for adaptive organisations

Scrum Day Europe 2022 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): 'From fear to outcomes: coaching leaders for agility'

Resilient Lincolnshire 2020 "21st Century Leadership: Technology Lens" (University of Lincoln): Panellist

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Technology Day 2018 (Kyiv, Ukraine): DevOps transformation case study

IDC DX Day Roadshow 2017 (Dnipro, Ukraine): Approaching digital transformation by adopting DevOps practices

IDC Day Tbilisi: Cloud, Security, Virtualization & Infrastructure Management 2016 (Tbilisi, Georgia): Master your cloud from strategy to delivery

IDC DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Forum "Next-Gen IT: What is After Cloud?" 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine): Internet of Things: How to succeed at digital business transformation
Materials and presentations
Click on the description to access the presentation deck
Regional Scrum Gathering Singapore 2023 (Singapore)
Scrum Day Europe 2023 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Scrum Day Europe 2022 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Reach me out
Roman Lobus
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