"Scrum Patterns | A Scrum book" meetups in Singapore
About meetup
Scrum Patterns Singapore meetup was inspired by similar events happening all over the world. We see the mission of this meetup in promoting professional Scrum and helping Agile practitioners with Scrum adoption by tapping into the collective wisdom of the community. Singapore-based meetup is hosted on Meetup.com platform.
The first meetup was hosted on the 11th of June 2020.

What Scrum patterns are?
"While the Scrum Guide provides the basic rules of Scrum, the patterns amplify the guide by showing teams how to solve problems in a specific context" - Jeff Sutherland
The current set of Scrum Patterns has been collected and documented in the book "A Scrum book" written by the group of enthusiasts and published in 2019.

What do we do?
We gather every month to delve into the theory of Scrum Patterns, explore 2-3 selected patterns and discuss the related experience.

Who comes to these sessions?
Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, anyone with some experience in Scrum and willing to learn more is welcome.

Why do I consider joining?
People joining will get a deeper understanding of the Scrum patterns: how to fix broken Scrum, use in retrospectives, plan Scrum adoption, and will also learn from other participants' experiences.
Past and future events
11 June, 7:00 pm (SGT)
"Stable teams", "Yesterday weather", "Teams that finish earlier, accelerate faster"
16 July, 7:00 pm (SGT)
"Running Average Velocity", "Aggregate Velocity", "Updated Velocity"
1 October, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Building high-performance teams with Scrum Patterns
12 November, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Scaling Scrum
23 December, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Systems thinking meets Scrum Patterns
28 January 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Systems thinking meets Scrum Patterns: the Second chapter
25 February 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Fighting Zombie Scrum
25 March 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Creating Product Roadmaps
29 April 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Product Goal
27 May 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Crafting good Sprint Goals
24 June 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Getting to 'Done'
29 July 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Team coaching leveraging Scrum values
26 August 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Design your Scrum organisation right
30 September 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
""Stable teams" vs Re-teaming
28 October 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
A case of the team failing to meet its commitments
25 November 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Escape the blamestorming trap with solution-focused coaching
30 December 2021, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Scrum Patterns and Evidence-Based Management
27 January 2022, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Vertical development
19 May 2022, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Beyond maturity assessments
30 June 2022, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Navigating team dynamics
4 August 2022, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Contracting in team coaching
25 August 2022, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Measuring Scrum team performance
27 October 2022, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Difficult conversations with stakeholders
2 February 2023, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Objectives and Key Results for adaptive organisations
What does it make to create an adaptive strategy?
20 April 2023, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
Deliberate practice in Agile coaching
31 August 2023, 7:00 pm (SGT/AWST)
What to expect during a meetup
Collaborative and immersive experience!
  • Preparation
    There is no preparation required but in a case when we have a meetup with announced patterns, we kindly ask you to "pre-read" those patterns to save time during the event.
  • Equipment
    You'll need a computer to access Mural or Miro (online collaboration space) and Zoom (video conferencing tool).
  • Timing
    We start at 7 pm (SGT) and aim to finish in 1.5 hours.
  • Materials
    Meetup materials will be published on this page ('Past and future events' section) on the day after the event.
07:00 – 07:10
07:00 – 07:10
Opening and networking
Meetup is a space for learning but also an opportunity to get acquainted with fellow Scrum practitioners or meet old friends.
07:10 – 07:20
07:10 – 07:20
Crash course on Scrum Patterns and concepts related to the topic
We set the stage by going through the theory of Scrum Patterns (every time something new!) and the concepts related to the patterns selected for a meetup.
07:20 – 07:40
07:20 – 07:40
Let's explore the patterns!
Participants use breakout rooms and Mural space to explore a pattern of choice and prepare short sharing for the rest of the meetup attendees.
07:40 – 07:55
07:40 – 07:55
Sharing and discussion
Every group shares the learning and experiences related to the explored pattern. Examples and "war stories" are welcomed!
07:55 – 8:00
07:55 – 8:00
Closing the meetup
A quick review of the results, perhaps a short retro to improve the next meetup;)
Is it some sort of lecture or presentation?
No, we follow the principles of "Teaching from the back of the room" and believe that the best learning experience occurs when participants are involved in the exploration of a topic.
I'm not quite familiar with Mural, what can I do to become proficient enough to use it during an event?
We provide a special sandbox where you can practice navigation and creating post-its in Mural. Here is a link - Please use this common space responsibly, it isn't being moderated.
I haven't read "A Scrum book", does it make any sense to participate in a meetup?
The knowledge of patterns is not required to be an effective participant. We share in advance links to the patterns selected for discussion, so you'll have enough time to get familiar with them. Every meetup starts with a crash course to Scrum Patterns.
How can I get a link to a Zoom call?
The link to a zoom call will be published at the meetup page of Scrum Patterns meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Singapore-Scrum-Patterns-Meetup-Group/). Find the meetup announcement and the link will be there.
How can I be updated about upcoming meetups?
Join Singapore Scrum Patterns Meetup group at Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Singapore-Scrum-Patterns-Meetup-Group/) and we'll keep you posted. Alternatively, check occasionally this page and section "Past and future events".
Everything you need to continue a journey with Scrum Patterns
"A Scrum Book: The Spirit of the Game" is a valuable, well-organized resource whether for team members in the early days of their Scrum journey, for journeymen ScrumMasters looking to add techniques and approaches to their toolkit as they unlock more complex improvement efforts, or for master coaches looking for a well-structured body of knowledge into which to integrate and evolve their own patterns.
The online collection of the patterns described in "A Scrum book".
Cesario Ramos created visual pattern cards that contain the patlet, color coding and images.
Have more questions?
Reach me out
Roman Lobus
E-mail: roman.lobus@gmail.com
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