About meetup
Scrum Patterns Singapore meetup was inspired by similar events happening all over the world. We see the mission of this meetup in promoting professional Scrum and helping Agile practitioners with Scrum adoption by tapping into the collective wisdom of the community. Singapore-based
meetup is hosted on Meetup.com platform.
The first meetup was hosted on the 11th of June 2020.
What Scrum patterns are?"While the Scrum Guide provides the basic rules of Scrum, the patterns amplify the guide by showing teams how to solve problems in a specific context" - Jeff Sutherland
The current set of Scrum Patterns has been collected and documented in the book "A Scrum book" written by the group of enthusiasts and published in 2019.
What do we do?
We gather every month to delve into the theory of Scrum Patterns, explore 2-3 selected patterns and discuss the related experience.
Who comes to these sessions?Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, anyone with some experience in Scrum and willing to learn more is welcome.
Why do I consider joining?People joining will get a deeper understanding of the Scrum patterns: how to fix broken Scrum, use in retrospectives, plan Scrum adoption, and will also learn from other participants' experiences.